Saturday, August 24, 2019

Lab report Geiger counter and its control unit Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geiger counter and its control unit - Lab Report Example The behavior is illustrated inform of a curve of pulse height against applied voltage. Using the count rate C1 (beginning of the plateau) and the count rate C2 (almost 100 to 10 volts beyond C1). Both count rates were allocated operating voltages V1 and V2 respectively. The values of V and C were used to determine the slope of the plateau using an equation. Once the system is set up in an optimum condition, source 1 is placed on the split holder and the number of count rates per second is measured as N1. While the source is still in place, source 2 is placed in the holder and the equivalent count rate per second taken, as N12. Source 1 is now removed and the number of count rates per second is taken as N2. Finally, this can be used to calculate the dead time. The slope and the percentage slope of the curve can also be worked out from the count rates. The period of time, during and immediately following an ionization event, when the system is insensitive to a further radiation, is referred to as the Dead time. After placing the material in the holder and setting the voltage to a certain value, we stills didn’t record any count rate until we attained a certain value of EHT. This is because the energy is very low below that point to be able to separate them very fast. On the other hand, the behavior of the system depended on magnitude of the potential difference applied between the anode and the cathode. Radioactive material can be used to determine the operating voltage of the Geiger counter, the slope percentage of the plateau and the dead time of the counter. This simply involves radioactive material and recording its EHT and counts rate at a certain amount of time. The count measure occurs due to the radiation released and emitted by the material in the holder. When a specimen or material is in exited state, it means that it has absorbed

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